Last week, Dr. Goya analysis welcomed four 4º year secondary school students from different schools in the Community of Madrid, as part of the 4ºESO+Business Program, to collaborate in the training of these young people, showing them for five consecutive days the work in the laboratory and guiding them in the different possible professional opportunities.
The 4ºESO+Business Program was launched by the Regional Ministry of Education in the 2008-2009 academic year. It has the status of a complementary activity, it is developed on a voluntary basis and its purpose is to bring the educational system and the working world closer, providing young people, through educational stays in companies and institutions, with real knowledge in a working environment, which will allow them to make decisions about their academic and professional future and help them to identify, strengthen or redirect their vocations.
In some cases this stay may include the development of basic tasks or functions, emphasizing the educational and pedagogical aspects of the whole process.
Dr. Goya analysis, committed to Education and Science.